This site involves you signing up for offers by advertisers, who pay the site to put a like to their site up. This is where you come in. You sign up for the offer, the advertisers pay the site, and then the site rewards you.. And the best part is you dont pay A SINGLE PENNY!
You may be asking your self "What sort of things can I get on this site?". Well simply put, if you can buy it off the Internet, these people will buy it and have it delivered write to your door. Anything from Xbox 360 Games, PS3 Games, Wii, Game Boy, Xbox Live, Ipods, you name it they'll get it!!!
SO if this sounds appealing to you read on..
Step one:
Make a new email address because it is going to get spammed.
Step two:
This is also optional but reccomended:
If you have Internet Explorer download the Google Toolbar and use AutoFill to help you fill out forms:
For Firefox I reccomend an add-on called Fireform which you can get here:
Step three:
Please click one of the following links to sign up, By doing so you will help me out and it will allow me to make more guides like this one!:
If you get 20 points after registering under me, email me at with the name you signed up with and I will send you a special gift that will allow you to make even more points, much easier.
If you get 20 points after registering under me, email me at with the name you signed up with and I will send you a special gift that will allow you to make even more points, much easier.
Step Four:
Click on 100% free offers or you can do Cell Phone or Credit card offers if you'd like. ( The Credit Card or Cell phone offers will net you more points but may charge a small fee.) I just stick to the 100% free offers.
Step Five:
Do some offers, the less the points, the easier the offers. Some offers just ask for an email address while others are 5 minute surveys:
Once you rack up enough points for a prize click view available prizes and then claim the prize you want. If you dont like what you see they can buy you just about anything on the internet. Just open up a support ticket and give them a link to whatever it is you want.
The point to currency conversion values are as follows:
For United States: 1 USD = 1 Point
For Australia: 1 AUD = 1 Point
For UK: 1 GBP = 2 Point
For Canada 1 CAD = 1 Point
And yes this is 100% real. Ive gotten a $10 Ebay Gift Card, Ear buds, Project gotham racing 3, a puka shell necklace, and a 2.5mm to 3.5mm head phone jack converter, a case for my Palm Centro, and Fallout 3, ABSOLUTELY FREE
I basically have earned $150 effortlessly on this site.
So what are you waiting for get some points and get some free stuff!
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